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Userlot Features

Stay Informed with Product Usage and Adoption Tracking

Get real-time insight into how and how much your customers are using your product with Userlot.
Userlot Usage and Adoption Tracking

The Power of Product Usage and Adoption Tracking

Keeping tabs on your customer's product usage and adoption levels can be crucial for their success journey. Our feature allows you to track product engagement in real time, revealing valuable patterns and insights.
Make it personal. Tailor your outreach and support based on how a customer is using your product.
Develop the product that your Customer wants. Understand what's working (and what's not), so you can iterate on your product effectively.
Make informed decisions. Tailor your outreach and support based on how a customer is using your product.

Start your 30-day free trial

Ready to take the guesswork out of your customer success strategy? Start your Userlot journey today and discover the difference of data-driven customer insights.

Actionable Insights

Beyond mere data collection, Userlot's feature provides actionable insights to drive your customer success strategy. Our platform can highlight usage trends, identify features that are or aren't being used, and more.

Real-Time Customer Interactions

Get a live view of customer interactions with your product. Use the data to trigger playbooks and automations, notifications and more.

How Userlot Stands Out

Selecting the ideal customer success tool is crucial for your company's growth and retention. Experience the distinction with a side-by-side comparison of Userlot and Planhat. Discover which solution aligns best with your company's vision and goals.